Register for an account

Before you can use our website to book events you must create an account. Registration is free and can be done by completing the form below.

Once your account has been setup, you may apply for a "Club" account to book events and manage club subscriptions.

If you are a parent, please use your name and contact details here. You will be able to add children into your bookings separately.

Start typing the name of your club, if it is already in our system, it will appear in the suggestions list below. If not, please try the full correct name for the club and we will add this club to our database.
Are you the owner or authorised person for this club? If you have permission to book your club into events please choose yes. Selecting yes will mean you will be redirected to an application form to apply for a club account. Once approved you will be able to book competitions and events for your club and subscribe to our programs such as the QUATRO Excellence Pins Award Scheme.

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